Partnerships with Ma Cherie Studios

Are you the owner of a business that caters towards women? If so, you may be interested in partnering with Ma Cherie Studios!

We are looking to partner with like-minded businesses (big or small!) that share our values of empowering women. By becoming one of our partners, your business would benefit from a wider audience, as well as having the advantage of photography services for trade. Our clients heavily rely on our recommendations for lingerie, accessories/jewelry, skin care, massages, manicures/pedicures, personal fitness, and beyond.

Once partners, Ma Cherie Studios will promote your business and in return, you would be able to offer a discount off of our services to your clients. We would also provide a simple Ma Cherie Studios welcome packet to hand out, or anything else you would prefer.

If interested, shoot us an email at and tell us a bit about your company!




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